May 29, 2024

Placing Students Before Politics

One of the greatest challenges we face in fulfilling the duty of prioritizing students and their needs is balancing the politics that come along with it and enter our educational system. While political discourse has its place in shaping policies and frameworks, it should never overshadow the core purpose of public education, which is to provide equitable and quality learning opportunities for all students. Our goal is to always protect, elevate, and promote public education.

When political agendas drive decision-making in education, the needs of students can at times take a backseat to ideological battles and partisan interests. This not only undermines the integrity of our schools, but also jeopardizes the future prospects of our youth. As trustees and superintendents of school boards, it is incumbent upon us to rise above political affiliations and prioritize the best interests of our students.

With everything, there are positives and negatives that come with this ideology. There are times of course where government actions can benefit public schools and their goals of putting children first. Most recently seen with the Alberta government announcing its partnership with CASA Mental Health and investing $148 million to support the expansion of child and youth mental health services. This type of investment offers a range of supports for students and their families including professional in-school support, family support, and more. These benefits have a positive impact within the schools and could bring about positive results for both teachers and students.

De-politicizing public education is not about eliminating diversity of thought or stifling debate; rather, it is about creating an environment where evidence-based practices and student outcomes guide our actions. By helping create a culture of collaboration and consensus-building, we can ensure that every decision we make is grounded in what we believe is best for the children we serve. At the end of the day, I know PSBAA members always come to the table in the interest of students first.

With that being said, it is crucial to recognize the indispensable role that public schools play as the pillars of our communities across Alberta. Beyond imparting academic knowledge, our schools serve as a special place where fostering inclusivity and diversity can occur. They are places where students from diverse backgrounds come together to learn and grow together.

By placing students at the top of our priority list, we uphold the true essence of public education and honour the trust placed in us by parents, teachers, and the community as a whole. Our commitment to excellence in education transcends political affiliations and personal agendas. It is a shared endeavor that comes from the belief that every child deserves access to a high-quality education, regardless of their circumstances.

I believe the desire to ensure a strong public school system should unite Albertans not divide us. By doing so, we not only safeguard the integrity of our educational system but also pave the way for a brighter future for generations to come.